Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Disappointing Revelation

I can get pretty nostalgic when looking forward to a weekend of catching up with old friends. Since I'll be spending this weekend in Abilene (Sing Song, duh) doing just that, I've been thinking back to the good ole days at ACU and all the fun times I had there. However, last night a disturbing thought entered my mind whilst reminiscing my time in Abilene. It went something like this:

'Golly, I sure enjoyed college. Sing Song, Intramurals, Pledging, etc etc...Heck, even Welcome Week was fun. How many years has it been since I did that? Lets see, that was the fall of 2002, it's now Six and a half years? Man, it's really been a while since I started college. Six and a half years...Holy crapola. ITS BEEN A QUARTER OF MY LIFETIME SINCE I STARTED COLLEGE!?!' Yikes, folks. That hit me hard. I felt like the kid from the video last week. Is this real life? Whaaattt'ss haapeningg? AAARRRRGGHHHH. Oh well, what can you do, ya know? Keep on livin...

On a lighter note, here's a great compilation/montage of 'The Office' Funny stuff, enjoy.


Prosso said...

I'm singing We Believe on that stage regardless of who wins. The spirit of Gumby is upon me.

Justin said...

Quick question:

Was that video of the kid on laughing gas from last week actually a video of Michael Phelps after his infamous bong hit, only no one knows it?

I think I might have watched a little too much LOST.