Monday, March 24, 2008

I Have Nothing To Say To You. Really, This Entry Is Garbage.

After a nice spring break the Twig is back, and ready to blog! Not sure about Jig, I think he's taking a month-long spring break, who knows. Anyway, I feel totally jipped (jiped? gipped?) from the Madness that takes place this time each year, because I was travelling to and from Pedernales Falls to go camping this past weekend. So, with the exception of Thursday, I've seen about ten total minutes of action, including all of the buzzer-beaters, overtimes, double-digit seeds winning, Duke losing, and other things that make March Madness so great.
Anyway, when we got home last night, we discovered that our cable is out. Again. For the third time in this still early year (Thank you, Comcast) It won't be too much of a problem, as long as it's back before Thursday, but still, for a product you pay for, it shouldn't be too much to ask that it, you know, work. Not really sure where that tangent came from, or where I was going with it, but there's not too much going on down here. That said, I'll go ahead and wrap it up, I can tell this entry is heading nowhere fast. Kayla, the padre-in-law, and uncle-in-law are going to the Rockets/Kings game, so if Ron Artest goes into the stands, or does something Artestesque, I'll hop on tomorrow with a much more meaningful post. Don't hate, regulate.

My fast smells like french toast,


Justin said...

(Pushing up nerd glasses)

Um, actually, Mr. Agan, it's "gipped", but hey, who's counting?

Can we have the Jig and Twig thoughts on the possibly imminent arrival of the Pacman Jones experience to America's Team.

If that occurs, I will be legitimately frightened to visit DFW, particularly places where Pacman "Makes It Rain", whatever that means.

Brandon Maenius said...

I agree, the possible Pacman arrival is getting an enormous about of publicity in the big D. This needs addressing. I'll hold on to my opinion until we have a post. 10-1 odds Lance writes the article.