Monday, November 10, 2008

I Know, I Was There

This weekend, the parents came into town to hang out with me and Kayla. It was a great time seeing them, and on Saturday night, my dad and I went to Jones AT&T, the sight of two of the most dissapointing losses I have ever experienced as a fan- the 2002 UT/Tech game and the 2008 matchup. And no, I still don't want to talk about it.

Anyway, we came to the game hoping that Oklahoma State would come in and upset the Raiders, giving UT a shot if Tech also falls to Oklahoma in two weeks. Didn't happen. Not even close. For those of you who missed the game, don't worry, you didn't miss much. Tech at this point looks pretty unstoppable on offense, and the D was o force all game as well. It remains to be seen if they can keep it up on the road in Norman, but after witnessing how good Tech looked on Saturday, I wouldn't be shocked if they pull it out.

The worst part of all of this is knowing how close Texas came to winning last weekend against a team that is very, very good. Ahhh, the joys of being a sports fan.


Unknown said...

kjahdk;lfgjb. it still makes me nauseous

Justin said...

Here's how to make life easier in 4-simple steps:

1.Be Jordan Gay.
2.Switch teams with impunity.
3.Live in blissful ignorance.
4.Repeat as necessary.