Monday, July 20, 2009

The Spirit Of A Hustler And The Swagger Of A College Kid

Great minds have claimed that, "I can now rest easy knowing that we'll be spared at least one 'Feel-Good Movie of the Year' blurb in 2009." (Seriously, that should be on the movie poster) Other, slightly lesser minds have called it dark and depressing.

Good Golly. If you haven't read Cormac McCarthy's The Road, do so now. I may even re-read my copy before seeing the movie. This is big folks, because I never* read a book twice, usually I see that as a waste of time. Not now, not for something so great.

*See how I did that? I italicized the word 'never,' implying that I really really don't read books twice. I'm screaming through the computer screen that it's something I'm adamantly against in most cases. I paid attention in Blog Writing 202 during summer school at Temple College in 2003. Have some.


Justin said...

I really have to meet this "great mind" guy. Sounds brilliant.

lance said...

Ehhh, debatable.

I hear he locks himself into librarys all weekend, foregoing enjoyable trips to the lake with friends from college.

Justin said...

Who are we talking about again?

lance said...

Wait, what?

Did I say something?

(Checks comment from 7:23 am)
