Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's Easy And Cool To Brush Before School

These aren't sports related, but I had to pass along two items of interest:

The Touch And Brush

The Peekaru, a Snuggie for infants.

Question is, readers, which is more absurd?

Also, while we're on the topic of annoying infomercials, the ShamWow guy got arrested for, wait for it...hitting a prostitute. Ughhh.


Justin said...

On a creepy scale of 1-10, that Peekaru is a solid 18.5.

Seriously, it looks like that scene in "Aliens" where the alien is shooting out of the guy's stomach.

Simply horrifying.

lance said...
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Unknown said...

That Peekaru is horrible! At first you think the lady is pregnant and then you look again and see that creepy little face! No thank you.