Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This Is A Free-Flowing Conversation

A few random thoughts before I finally go to bed (Thank you four hour take home test!):

  • TO's gone. I've wanted this day to happen since the Philly debacle, but now that it's here I'm kinda sad.

  • Lost is kicking butt and taking names. Lovin it. However, what was the deal with Sawyer's beard in "LeFleur?" One scene it's a short, three-days growth scruff, the next its a horrendous shag with equally horrendous Just For Men coloring. Bad bad oversight by the producers. Did they shoot every other scene six months apart? Did they go back and fill in parts after originally wrapping concluded? I don't get it. It's almost as weird as how Hurley's hair was puffy and fro-like the first two season, but recently is a greasy, Michael Jackson circa 1988-like jheri curl. If you think I'm making these accusations up, head over to and check out the episode(s) in question.

  • I didn't watch last week's FNL until tonight, right before Lost. Once again, phenomenal episode. What really tripped me out, though, was seeing Herc in a DHARMA hatch ten seconds after seeing him get in a wheelchair fight with Street on Buddy Garrity's old patio. It took me a while to wrap my mind around what was happening there for a minute.

  • As much as I don't care about Texas Tech basketball (promise, I don't. For real) I really would have liked to be at the USA tonight for the butt-whipping of the Jayhawks. Again, thank you, take home test.

  • Speaking of things I don't like, I got to watch Oklahoma beat Tech last Saturday. While the game wasn't much to see, I did get to help sneak the Griffin brothers out of the arena, so they could avoid the respectable-size mob of Sooner fans gathering outside their locker room. Don't think I won't be talking people's ears off ten years from now about the 'conversation' I had with young Blake. Ed's note: Actual conversation...BG: "Are there a lot of people out there?" Twig, guarding door: "Yeah dude, there's a lot of them." HE'S TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN MY BROTHER!!!!!

  • I watched HBO's "The Battle For Tobacco Road," a documentary about the Duke/UNC rivalry last week. Unbelievable. Highest of high recommendations for any college basketball fan.

It's March. Let the Madness begin.

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