Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Super Bowl, Anyone? No?

About three minutes after the NY Giants defeated the Packers in OT two days ago, my phone rang. I didn't need to see the caller ID, or even pay attention to the ring tone. It was Jig. If the only thing you can count on in this life are death and taxes, a third thing I can count on it getting a call from Jig within five minutes of the conclusion of a Cowboy game, or in this case, any important NFL game. Needless to say, neither of us were pleased with the results of either conference championship game. We weren't particularly surprised that New England won, but I don't think either of us saw the Giants winning a night game at Lambeau. The conversation then turned to what team we want to win the Super Bowl, which was a pretty good way to kill the conversation. Ya see, if there were two teams I really really really hope wouldn't win the Super Bowl this year, the Patriots and Giants would be right at the tippity top. Well, it's been two days since the conference championship games, so I've had time to think about who I'd be semi-rooting for when the "big game" kicks off after two over-hyped weeks. Here were my reasons for each team, followed by my final overall decision.

Reasons to root for the Patriots:
1) They're gonna win.
2) When they win, It'll shut the 1972 Dolphins up for good.
3) It's been three long, agonizing years for the New England faithful. How much longer must they suffer until they're released from their championship-less prison?

Reasons to root for the Giants:
1) Dallas did beat them twice this year
2) Seeing Eli match his bro in SB wins after everyone wrote him off as a serious NFL quarterback would be delightful, although the subsequent commercials and endorsements would not.
3) Having an NFC team defeat an AFC team would be nice; sorta like when Michigan, from the sorry Big 10 beat Florida, from the mighty SEC. Anything to shut up the 'experts' on TV.

There you have it. Those are really the only reasons I could think of for either team, and yes, I know they are pretty sorry reasons both ways. All that to say, I'm definitely not hopping on the NE bandwagon now. If I did, I'd be just like my students I wrote about last week. So, as much as it pains me to say it, and believe me, it's painful, Go Giants. Ugghh, that felt terrible, excuse me while I take a scalding hot shower to get this filthy feeling off of me. Disgusting.



Austin said...

For me it's a question of who I hate most. The hated Giants are the traditional division rivals of the Boys and I wish nothing but misery upon them. However, the Pats are probably my all-time most hated team. I would love for someone to shut them up. It's unfortunate that either way I'll be unhappy the morning after because even if the Giants win it won't be all that satisfying.

Justin said...

I've already written it on Sunday night, but I'll say it again here: It's like watching a matchup between AIDS and the ebola virus. No matter who wins, we all lose.

I choose neither team. I couldn't live with myself if I took sides in this game.

Jig said...

I'm up for a good game of Risk, or perphaps, Joker during the game this year.