Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Where have all the Cowboys gone.... (Cancun)

The next thirty days or so has the potential to be some of the best for me, as far as watching sports goes. This weekend, I'm going to the Cowboys divisional playoff game against the Giants, on the way to the Superbowl and in one month, I will be attending the USA's National Soccer Team play Mexico, and how I hate both of these opponents. I get to see two of my favorite teams play some of their fierciest rivals. I work at home many days during the week, so when I catch a free second, I am analyzing anything coming out of the Cowboy's camp and looking through different Giants highlights, so I will be as prepared as possible come Sunday (as if I have an impact on the game: and I do). I take comfort in knowing my boys are doing the same thing, except their not. I love a good Pina Colada as much as the next guy, but rarely would you catch me having one right before I signed an Oil and Gas Lease on 348.55 acres in the Barnett Shelf (that would be the equivalent in my field). So this weekend my boy, Tony, went with his babe, Jess, and his boy, Witten to Cancun. I've tried to put up a front that this was not a big deal. I would like to think that this is just his way of getting ready for a game of this magnitude. Thing is, I didn't catch Peyton Manning at Six Flags this weekend, or Tom Brady at Gattiland (these also being equivalent since I've never been to Cancun). I'm sure they were busy watching their perspective opponents on T.V. and then rewatching the winners a couple of times by now.

I've taken a moment to catch my breath, and I'm feeling better, but this is the key phrase that I can't emphasive enough: We better win. Seriously, and it can't be by one or two points. We better win. If we take care of business, whoop them G-men, like we should for the third time this season, I wont even let something like this phase me again. Heck, I'll give my boy Tony props for the starlight his courting, but We Better Win.

Different than any game this season, we will have our full offense available to us. No team has had the chance to prepare for a Cowboys team that has T.O. and Terry Glenn on the field at the same time, and trust me T.O. is going to play. He isn't hurt, and I love that Wade Phillips is being so secretive. So, like I said, if we take care of business, I got the Boys winning 38-20. AND, in case you missed it earlier, I already called a Jacksonville victory over dem Patriots this weekend, lets say, 23-17. You heard it here first. Call ESPN, tell em TheJigandTwig are on their block and in their kitchen.

In Conclusion, this is to my boy Twig. Sorry I've slacked off a bit, but I'm back and ready for more. Thanks for carrying the load...



lance said...

"Jig, you a'int in my block, you a'int in my neighborhood, heck, you a'int even in my state. Write columns on consecutive days before you even think about comin up-a-knockin on my door."
-Mercury "Twig" Morris

Jig said...

you sure were up mighty early to be talkin smack, but i suppose that i walked into the mercury morris bit, it may have been intentional, but it does not change the fact that you are still top dog and im just your sock puppet

lance said...

Yeah for whatever reason this computer is on, like, Iceland time. It was around 9 am when i read and commented. Anywho, you set em up, i put em down. 2.6.08, here we come.

Justin said...

Hmmmmmm, January 8/9th for the first intra-blog fisticuffs?

I must admit, I had February 23rd in the office pool.

Jig, it's good to have you back around these parts.

Twig, keep up the good work, my man.

This has been J. Thomas Scott reporting live from the Land of the Bear,over and out.